Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who Am I?

I am difficult to explain. To put it into its simplest terms, I am a left-handed, anosmic, animal-loving, mainstream-rap-hating, pastry-obsessive cartoonist/animator/geek/gamer who is a fan of cult classics, cartoons, and anything written by Joss Whedon. In longer terms, I live with my Mom, my Dad, my sadistic Little Brother, a dog, and three rats. I love creative writing, drawing, film making, and anything that involves these things. I am currently writing two series of comics, one about a sociopathic yellow dog, and one about the Grim Reaper and his Janitor. I am constantly on the web, though I avoid all Social Networking sites like the plague. I try to live my life according to Benjamin Franklin's 13 Virtues to Live By (yes, that's a real thing. Google it!). I love geekdom and all that accompanies it, and am proud to admit it.

That's all I can think of right now...

1 comment:

  1. Cameron, I have a cousin who is also anosmic! He also cannot taste, can you? It looks to me like you have a very creative imagination and are an entertaining writer. I cannot wait to see some of your work. Do you publish it oline? And hey, I'm glad you are proud of yourself!
