Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mexican White Boy Part 1 Response

In today's reading of Mexican White Boy, Danny, while attempting to take on one of Uno's impossible fastballs, accidentally loses control of his bat, which hits Uno's little brother in the face, severely injuring him. Uno immediately and impulsively lashes out violently at Danny. I think there were many reasons Uno lashed out so much at Danny. First and foremost, Uno is protective of his little brother Manuel, especially because Manuel is mentally unstable. Uno seems to have a real connection to Manuel, and is furious when something like this happens to him. In addition, Uno may have a distrust of Danny, due to him being the new kid on the block, and he may be jealous of his athletic ability. His anger slowly builds as Danny comes in and starts destroying at the local Stickball derby, and finally the injury of Manuel sets him off. Finally, I suspect that Uno's extremely impulsive behavior may be due to something similar to this incident happening in the past. Perhaps something happened to Manuel or someone else close to Uno that he wasn't able to stop, and he wants to prevent something like that ever happening again.

1 comment:

  1. Cameron, This is such a detailed response. I greatly appreciated that you expanded on your ideas letting your reader fully understand your view. You also used specific examples from the book to validate your point. Well done.
