Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mexican White Boy Part 3

Luckily, I tend to always find some small group or clique where I fit in wherever I go, but I remember one time where I didn't really fit in. My cousin is a really cool guy, but he is incredibly sports oriented while I couldn't care less about that kind of thing. Normally we're cool about this, and able to meet each other halfway. However, when I went to his birthday a couple years back, it was very uncomfortable for me. I didn't know any of his friends (the only people I even knew the were him and my brother) and all of them were into sports like he was. While they were shooting hoops or playing hockey in the yard, I would just sit by the sidelines. In addition, the party took place at my cousin's dad's place, which is really strange. There are all sorts of trippy sculptures and weird furniture everywhere, and it's all incredibly surreal. Plus, this was a sleepover party, so I had to spend the entire night with a bunch of people I didn't know in a house that is EXTREMELY messed up. All in all, it was an experience where I just didn't fit in.

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