Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm College Bound

When I discovered what my Grade Point Average was, I was disappointed. My original anticipation was about a 3.9-4.0, but it turned out much lower than that. At first I was shocked, considering my straight-A average just a few weeks ago. But as I looked through my Powerschool page I discovered a few major points that contributed to my lower-than-expected grade. First was the “Show Don’t Tell” paper. I couldn’t really do much about this one because everyone got an F on this assignment. Next was the Sound blog post and the Touch blog post that I for some reason both got B’s on, without any criticism. I wasn’t even reviewed by the person at my table that was supposed to. In addition, there were some small parts in Chris’ class that I let slip.

The first school I’m considering is the University of Southern California, which my mom went to. I hear that it has a great academic program and a great film production program. To get into the school, you have to submit an Application Essay, Letters of Recommendation, Standardized Test Scores, SAT Scores, and your
Academic GPA. The average GPA most students submit to the school is 3.75 or higher. The average SAT scores are between 1270 and1470.

Next is the California Institute of the Arts, an art school set up by Walt Disney. It is a very well known and popular Art School; it is the Alma Mater for many current Pixar employees, and has many great animation and film production classes. When considering admission, the school looks mostly at the admission essay and the applicant’s talent. Since the school does not look at GPAs or SAT scores during admission, neither of these are listed.


Finally, there’s the Art Institute of San Francisco. This is another great art school, and this one is in one of my favorite cities of all time. I would love the opportunity to spend my college years in San Francisco. Admission requires an essay, an interview, a review of talent, and Letters of Recommendation. Like CalArts above, Grade Point Averages and SAT scores are not recorded.


Despite knowing that many of the schools I want to go to do not take Grade Point Average into account, I will still attempt to boost my grade up in the following months. First of all, I will pay special attention to the Electrical Problems in Physics class. I have been neglecting to check my answers with a friend and this is causing my grade in Chris' class to slip. I need to make sure that I check every answer to keep my grade at a steady pace.  In addition, I need to work on my sensory writing in Diana’s class.

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