Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Metamorphosis Chapter 2

Family is a big deal. It's probably one of the most important parts of your life. But, of course, Families don't always get along. While the occasional squabble is fine and, dare i say it, almost healthy for a family, it's definitely important to make sure that this isn't an all-too-common occurrence. So I've put together a couple of rules for families to follow to help them all get along:

1: Family Comes First. Sure, other things like school or hobbies are important, but they should never get in the way of your family. It is your Number 1 priority to make sure they are okay. After all, if you're not there for them, how can you trust them to be there for you? Gregor's Family is...okay at this. While Gregor and his sister are both reliable, their parents aren't too good at this kind of thing. All they do is take and take from Gregor, never giving anything back. I'd give the Samsas a B- on this one.

2. Think About Others: Sorry guys, but a family isn't just your own big pack of servants. There are other people here with their own ideas and dreams, and you have to acknowledge those. Parents should not think of their offspring as a way to live vicariously, and children shouldn't think of Mom and Dad as nothing more than glorified butlers. This is one of the bigger problems in the Samsa household. Gregor's father forces him to give up being a stock broker just so that the family could have a more apparent source of income, and barely acknowledges Greta's violin skills. In this case, they get a D.

3. Communication Is Key: It's easy for families to grow apart. One day you're closer than ever and the next it seems like you're not even related. One great way to stop this from happening is to communicate with each other. There are many great ways to facilitate communication; have dinner together at home, going out for a little trip, even playing a board game every once in a while can help keep the family together. Gregor's family is a little hard to grade in this category. While it seems that Gregor and his parents don't speak much, we never see what goes on at home without him, so it's hard to gauge how much or how little the rest of the family talks. I'll go with a B on this one.

4.Be On Their Side: Your family is not the enemy. They are your friends. Try to treat them that way. This means encouraging people to follow their dreams, consoling them when they have a bad day, and having their back when they get picked on. Basically, provide them with Emotional Support. The Samsas are, big surprise, not very good at this. Even though he's earning their bread and butter, Gregor's parents don't really support him in any way. They used the shower him with praise for all his hard work, but as it all turned to routine, the adulation gradually faded away. Even worse, once Gregor undergoes his horrible transformation, his father immediately disowns him and only keeps him around at the request of his mother. The Samsas get a C- for this, bringing their grand total to a C. Better Luck Next Time, Guys!

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