Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Metamorphosis Chapter 1

Even before he is transformed into something definitely not human, Gregor Samsa has been feeling dehumanized for quite a while now. The troubles start at home. For a while now, Gregor has been used by his family as a tool. They are having him work to pay off their own debt, since they lack the mental capabilities to go out and work for themselves. They have him work like a dog to pay off the debt that he had little or no part in. Despite all this work Gregor does for his family, his father never treats him with the respect he deserves.

The mistreatment continues at work. Every day, Gregor has to work ridiculous hours, and is never given any lenience in his schedule. Every day, he has to "cope with the problems of travelling, the worries about train connections, irregular bad food, temporary and constantly changing human relationships, which never come from the heart." He is constantly put on the spot by his boss. And to top it all off, no matter how hard he works, he can never satisfy the management. It seems that cockroach or not, Gregor Samsa is never given the dignity he deserves.

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