Monday, April 11, 2011

GPA College Blog 2

Looking back at my GPA from last semester, I remember how horrified I was when I discovered that it was less than the 4.0 I had expected. But now that my GPA has dropped to a 3.5, my previous fear over having a 3.75 doesn't seem so bad. Not that I'm shocked with my new grade at this point. 3.5 is perfectly reasonable considering the B+ I have in Math/Physics, and the completely abysmal B- I have in Spanish (and even that doesn't seem so bad when it used to be a C). The fact that it is even so high is primarily contributed to the combination of my current GPA with last semester's, which was significantly higher. Without the combo, my grade would be residing closer to the 3.33 range. Clearly, the 3.3 has got to go if I want to get into any sort of respectable school.

I was at odds against my first and second schools (USC and CalArts respectively), getting opinions from both sides about which one I should do. It was really tearing me apart until I realized that I could simply go to one after the other. I never really cared about that third school. Anyway, my plan is to first go to USC (rockin' film school there) and then go to CalArts (best animation course in the world). This way, I get double the education, and don't have to make such a tough choice.

I can't really reflect on my past answers for this question, because they were contextual to the current situation I was in. In more general terms this time, I basically need to improve all of my grades, especially Spanish, which is currently at an abysmal 81%. I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS. So I'm going to need to do very well on the upcoming project, or else I have no hope of getting it up to something reasonable. I should also work on getting my Math grade from a B+ to an A, and just overall improving my Humanities grade.

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