Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Current Events-Iran

Iran is a country out in the Middle East. At  1,648,195 sq km, it is the 18th largest country in Asia. That's roughly the size of Alaska. The government is a theocratic republic, where most of the power is given to religious figures. Almsot the entire population of the country are Muslims, with a staggering rate of 98% Muslim. The majority of the populace speaks Persian, and roughly three-quarters of the country is literate.
In other news, the Iran Government is being criticized for its increased usage of the death sentences. Critics accuse the government of using the death sentence as a threat to the populace, and even abandoning due process in trials. It seems their allegations are at least partly true, with over 150 executions last year and already 67 this year, totaling about  
2 per day at this point.

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