Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear George

First of all, I am very sorry for what you had to do. Yes, I said "had". You were justified in Mercy Killing Lenny at the end of your book-I mean, uh, adventure at the ranch. I know as well as you do that Lenny didn't mean that woman no harm, "I didn't mean no harm George, she was just so little..." but the other guys wouldn't have understood, and you know what Slim said: "Curly...hates big guys. He's always pickin' scraps with big guys." Naturally, once word got out that a big guy killed his wife, there's nothing that could've stopped him 'sides a bullet to the brain...actually, that could've worked too...nah, then you just get into more trouble and it's just not worth it. Anyway, regarding Lennie...

Lennie was doomed the instant he snapped that poor girl's neck, and you knew that there were only two ways he could go; he could die after being hurt, tortured, and humiliated, all without his best friend there to comfort him, or he could die happy, hopeful, and with his best friend. Clearly, you made the right choice in picking the latter for him. And while Curley's killing would have been done in meanness and spite, yours was more like a Mercy Angel, coming from the sky to put poor Lennie out of his Misery. And did it need to be you? Absolutely. You were the person closest to Lennie. You were the one that knew him best. You were his only friend, so it's fitting that you were the one to do the deed. Just like Slim said when his dog was euthanized, "It shoulda been me, George. I shoulda been the one to do it."

And don't feel bad about Lennie...

He's prob'ly up there in Heaven right now tendin' the Rabbits.

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