Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Speak Partner Interview

Interviewees Name: Kirk

What do you predict will be the symbolism between Melinda and the tree?

   I predict that she will grow in both her social position and how she interacts with people as her tree grows. I have read type of thing this in other books, and I'm sure that either this was inspired by those stories, or inspired those stories.

Are schools really this place that is isolating or is it just the student that isolates him/herself?
  Well that depends on how the students act. Sometimes a student will isolate him/herself, but other times it will be his/her peers that isolate them. It's not the school's fault, but it's not always the student's fault.

If Melinda's parents were more involved, do you think her relationship and feelings toward them would be different? Also, would her attitude in life be more positive?

   Possibly. I doubt it would have much impact if they currently started to be better parents than if they were always good parents. However, this doesn't mean they shouldn't try. 

What do you think of the book so far? Even though it may be a bit dramatic, is it far from reality?
  I don't like the book so far, and I don't think it's overly dramatic. It's not really the kind of book I like to read, although it is fairly realistic because this kind of thing happens all the time, mostly because teens aren't being given the support they need from parents and school systems.